Have sustainable energy every day, live fit and healthy until you’re 120!
An inquisitive engineer with a passion for understanding the universe and the links between people, science and business success through the study of biology, epigenetics (nutrition, exercise, stress management, fun attitudes and community), governance, quantum physics and cosmology…
I’m convinced that, just like in Formula 1, there are small differences that make all the difference!
Health educator since 2008 and certified professional coach
Discovering epigenetics and an emerging Art de vivre
After her first vacation at the Hippocrates Institute in 1998 — for the 21-day “LTP or Life Transformation Program” — Roxane experienced a turning point in terms of her health and vitality.
In 2001 and 2002, she experimented with 2 fasts, as well as the Bernard Jensen cure the following year. Training at the Ann Wigmore Institute in Puerto Rico in 2004 enabled her to perfect her knowledge of the living foods lifestyle.
Subsequent stays at the Hippocrates Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida in 2000, 2002 and 2007 enabled her to experiment with a lifestyle whose benefits can now be explained by advances in epigenetics.
In 2008, she completed the Health Educator Program and won the Derrick Brockie Scholarship for her original Lifeplan project.
Health, prevention and wellness initiatives for the Francophonie in Quebec and Florida
- Since 2009, she has been facilitating clients’ stay at the Hippocrates Institute, once or twice a year depending on her vacation time in West Palm Beach, for the famous 21-Day Life Change Program.
- Roxane is a pioneer in introducing simultaneous translation for French-speaking participants.
- From 2010 onward, she creates a team to better serve the French-speaking world, and sets up international collaborations, leading to the creation of the Qilucru (Who would have thought!) team.
- In 2009, she designed and delivered a pioneering Detox Cure program to over 250 people, enabling them to experience living food gastronomy during a week-long vacation at a renowned Destination Spa in Quebec. Participants nicknamed it “RAW-Xan”©.
- Thanks to this innovative program, Spa Eastman owner Jocelyna Dubuc and her team were awarded the Prix Gayot (January 2011) for the originality of the concept and its pioneering role in preventive health care (Top 10 Detox Spas of the World).
- Author of several articles in ‘Healing Our World’ magazine (page 44), with a circulation of 110,000 (300,000 readers).
- Guest of radio host Isabelle Maréchal on 98.5 in August 2010, on the theme of health through living foods.
- In 2011, she trained in the 365 approach to cardiac coherence with Dr. David O’Hare. The same year, she is a speaker at EXPO Manger Santé — an event that attracts over 20,000 participants every year.
- In 2013, she invites researcher Jacqueline Lagacé to come and experience the Hippocrates Institute cure in Florida, in order to gain the insight of this renowned scientist (who popularized the work of Dr. Seignalet and introduced the hypotoxic, anti-inflammatory diet) into her rigorous observations and opinion on the beneficial mechanisms underlying the living food lifestyle.
- In 2014, translation of the book by Hippocrates Institute psychoneuroimmunologist Andy Bernay-Roman entitled: A deep feeling, deep healing, available on the WEB, on Amazon.
- Official birth of QiluCRU with a Facebook page in September 2014, for the visit of the co-director of the Hippocrates Institute in Montreal, Brian Clement PhD, LN.
Health, wellness and prevention conferences for groups, networks, associations and companies
Eternally curious, Roxane is a perpetual student of cutting-edge approaches in Leadership, Neuroscience, Lifestyle Medicine, Functional Medicine, understanding the Placebo effect, psychoneuroimmunology (Mind-Brain-Body links), microbiota (Gut-Brain) and scientific advances (epigenetics, NeuroLeadership, nanotechnologies, quantum physics, biophotonics, etc.) to increase vitality and achieve top performance in everyday life.
A parallel career path over the past 30 years:
Engineer turned vice-president, coach, administrator and entrepreneur
- Began her career at IBM and then became a consultant at Andersen Conseil
- then became a manager and executive in the manufacturing and telecoms world, responsible for managing logistics, information technology (IT), infrastructure, continuous improvement and strategic planning
- With 20 years’ corporate experience behind her, she returned to her studies in communications and became a Certified Professional Coach in 2006 — after a sabbatical year devoted to learning Spanish and discovering Spanish-speaking culture in South America.
- Recruited Vice-President and Executive Coaching Practice Leader at CDC Coaching in 2011 (the firm subsequently became Optimum Talent in 2012). Since then, Roxane has been coaching ambitious coachees who want to adopt a better version of themselves.
- Her background in corporate governance: She sits on various Boards and obtained her university certification from the Collège des administrateurs de sociétés in 2008. She sat on the board of the Cercle des ASC for 5 years, organized a conference on Sustainable Leadership, and is a member of the Cercle des ASC and the IAS.
Towards expertise in communication, positive psychology and NeuroLeadership
Neurolinguistic Programming (basic, practitioner, master practitioner and NLP post-master between 2002 and 2005)
- NLP with co-founder Richard Bandler in Orlando in 2012
- NLP with co-founder John Grinder in Geneva 2012
- Neurosemantics with Denis Bridoux in 2006 and Dr Michael Hall in 2007
- Effective, authentic and non-violent conversations – NVC according to Marshall Rosenberg’s approach, with mediation certification in 2009, with Groupe Conscientia (Robert Bouchard, Marcelle Bélanger, Gina Censiose) at the same time as Jean-Philippe Bouchard and Valérie Lanctôt-Bédard, from Groupe Spiralis.
- Body language according to the approaches of Paul Ekman, studying for 3 years with researcher and author Philippe Turchet (graduated as a senior practitioner in synergology in 2009; member of the Board of Directors of the AQS — Association québécoise de la synergologie), the discoveries of Amy Grant and following the work of Patryk Wezowski’s Center for Body Language.
- Studied positive psychology with Dr. Cutler in 2010.
- Graduated from the NeuroLeadership Institute with Dr. David Rock and a team of researchers, in 2013 (CFN) and 2015 (BBCC).
- Executive Program in Neuroscience and Leadership completed at M.I.T. in 2015, with Dr. Tara Swart and Deborah Ancona
- Neuroscience: taught by Vincent Paquette PhD, Quebec neuroscientist and neuropsychologist
- Neuroscience: taught by Mario Beauregard PhD, neuroscientist (University of Arizona) and author. He is a member of the group behind the Manifesto on Post-Materialism. Dave Pruett (NASA researcher, emeritus professor of mathematics at James Madison University and author) provides an interesting commentary on the Manifesto in the article “Toward a Post-Materialistic Science”.