Speaker for Collège des administrateurs de sociétés
Corporate Governance
Speaker for Module 5 leading to ASC certification
I act as CEO of Hollister Dynamics — a Canadian multinational — during Module 5, which consists of three days of simulations to integrate the CSL path, before the final exam.
This complete immersion enables participants to occupy various functions within the Board of Directors and its various committees.
Thanks to this experiential approach, participants are able to:
consolidate what they have learned during their training,
adopt and refine new reflexes and behaviors,
benefit from added value in their future governance commitments.
In 2024
1 432 Administrateurs de sociétés certifiés (ASC), including 629 WOMEN active in governance (44% of graduates);
116 ASCs are engineers;
28 of whom are WOMEN engineers (2%);
I’m one of only 8 ASCs, C.Dirs and WOMEN engineers in Canada.
The 120-hour course is the only one leading to university certification in governance in Quebec and in French — recognized both in Canada and in France.
The Collège des administrateurs de sociétés (CAS) — the leading French-language institution dedicated to director training — offers top-quality programming for directors, senior executives and chairmen, with a team of over 100 experts.
Launched in March 2005, university certification in governance is supported by 4 major partners:
- Caisse de dépôts et placements du Québec (CDPQ)
- Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
- Ministère du Conseil exécutif
- Faculty of Business Administration, Université Laval
GOUVERNANCE AMBIDEXTRE ® (Ambidextrous governance)
Concept developed by Collège des administrateurs de sociétés educational director Jean-François Henri, ASC, Ph.D., FCPA (above right). This concept refers to the ability to arbitrate, balance and reconcile tensions and dualities.
“An effective Board will be effective in two major roles:
Governing the organization and governing itself as a decision-making entity.”